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Welcome to My Academic Blog

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I seek truth, not attention or publicity or popularity.


I endeavor to read and listen to others as much as I can but take nothing at face value. None of us who are human beings is an infallible god. Those who believe they are 100 % correct are fanatics to be pitied. We must learn from history as much as possible and exercise humility.

Due to my busy work schedule, I am unable to update my blog.
But check out my two new books (below), published in 2022

Quick Self-Introduction


Citizenship and City of Residence: Canadian, Toronto


Place and Date of Birth: Phnom Penh. Officially incorrect


Current Positions & Affiliations:

  • Professor of Global Peace & Security Studies;

    • Department of Politics and Public Administration, Toronto Metropolitan University, Canada; 

  • Member, Eminent Persons Group, Asian Political and International Studies Association;

  • Fellow of McLaughlin College, York University, Toronto, Canada;

  • Member of an International Country Experts Network on UN Peacekeeping;

  • Distinguished Senior Fellow, the Cambodian Institute for Peace and Cooperation, Phnom Penh;

  • Distinguished Visiting Fellow, Cambodian Development Research Institute, Phnom Penh.


Previous Appointments & Positions:

  • President of Science for Peace, based at the University of Toronto, Canada;

  • Head, Department of Politics and Public Administration; Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada;

  • Head, Department of Political Science, University of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada);

  • Chair, the Advisory and Recruitment Committee for The Manitoba Chair of Global Governance Studies – a joint program between the University of Winnipeg and the University of Manitoba, Manitoba, Canada.

  • Professor of International Security, Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan;

  • Canada-ASEAN Fellow, as well as Fellow at the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore.


Academic Fields of Expertise and Interest:

  • Global Governance, Global Peace and Security;

  • Peace and Security in Asia;

  • Democracy Studies, with regional focus on Southeast Asia.


Single-Authored Books:

1. Global Public Governance: Toward World Government? World Scientific, 2022 (465 pages)

2. Peace and Security in Indo-Pacific Asia: IR Perspectives in Context. Routledge, 2022 (360 pages)

3. Human Security Studies: Theories, Methods, and Themes. Singapore & Hackensack, NJ  World Scientific, 2014 (516 pages)

4. Peace and Security in the Asia-Pacific: Theory and Practice. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger, 2010 (351 pages)

5. International Democracy Assistance for Peacebuilding: Cambodia and Beyond. Basingstoke and New York:

    Palgrave Macmillan, 2007 (261 pages)

6. Intervention and Change in Cambodia: Towards Democracy? NY, Singapore & Thailand: St. Martin Press &

    Institute of Southeast Asian Studies & Silkworm, 2000 (572 pages)

7. Conflict Neutralization in the Cambodia War: From Battlefield to Ballot Box. Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, & New York: Oxford University Press

     1997 (388 pages).


Co-authored Book:

 1. UN Governance: Peace and Human Security in Cambodia and Timor-Leste. Palgrave Macmillan. 2020. With Dr. Brendan M. Howe (Professor

     of International Relations at the Graduate School of International Studies, Ewha Womans University, Seoul) and Dr. Yuji Uesugi (Professor of

     Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding at the Faculty of International Research and Education, Waseda University, Tokyo) (168 pages)


Edited Books & Special Journal Issues:

  1. ​Human Security after 25 Years. Asian Journal of Peacebuilding 7:2 (2019)​: 161-285.

  2. (With Stein Kuhnle), ‘Human Security After 20 Years’. Asian Journal of Peacebuilding 2:2 (2014): 143-215.

  3. Human Security in East Asia. NY, NY & Oxon, UK: Routledge, 2009: 199 pp.

  4. Cambodia: Change and Continuity in Contemporary Politics. Aldershot, UK: International Library of Social Change in the Asia Pacific, Ashgate, 2000. (596 pages).

  5. (With Amitav Acharya, Pierre Lizée) Cambodia - The 1989 Paris Peace Conference. New York: Kraus International Publishers, 1991 (592 pages)


Book Chapters and Journal Articles:


  • A number of them available on this blog site are free for download;

  • More will be uploaded when time permits. Most recent publications include the following:

    • ​Why Asia Will Be Unstable But Not At War: Toward A Democratic Realist Perspective. SINERGI: Journal of Strategic Studies                      &  International Affairs, 3:1 (July 2023): 6-24.
    • Toward a Security Community in Asia? The Limits of Realism, Developmental Statism, and Constructivism. International Relations and Diplomac10:1 (2022): 1-24.

    • Towards Global Human Security Governance? Progress, Problems, and Prospects. Hiroshima Peace Research Journal 8 (2021): 71–90.
    • ​Human Security after 25 Years: Some Introductory Remarks and Critical Reflections. Asian  Journal of Peacebuilding 7:2 (2019): 161–181.
    • ​Why Smart Sanctions Still Cause Human Insecurity. Asian Journal of Peacebuilding 7:2 (2019): 265–285.


Major Book Projects in Progress:

  • Global Criminal Justice  Governance;

  • China's Rise, Global Conflict and Containment.


Courses Taught:

  • Introduction to Methods in Political Science

  • Global Governance 

  • Contemporary Security Studies

  • Global Conflict and Peace

  • International Law for Human Protection

  • International Organization and Law

  • Perspectives on Human Security

  • International Human Rights and Human Security 

  • International Criminal Justice Institutions

  • Global Political Economy

  • Regional Security in Asia

  • Peace and Security in Asia

  • Comparative Politics of East Asia


Member of Editorial/Advisory Boards (Publishers)

  • International Relations in Southeast Asia. Politics & International Relations: Book Series. Routledge;

  • Asian Journal of Peacebuilding. Peer-reviewed Academic Journal, Seoul National University Press;

  • Peacebuilding. Peer-reviewed Academic Journal. Taylor & Francis;

  • Asian Politics & Policy. Peer-reviewed Journal. Wiley Blackwell;

  • Asian International Studies Review;

  • Rethinking Peace and Conflict Studies. UK: Palgrave Macmillan;

  • Alternate Routes: A Journal of Critical Social Research. Peer-Reviewed Journal, Athabasca U. Press. 

Sorpong Peou - 2024

Toronto, Metropolitan University

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